Hopson Rae | Aurrie Hicks
One of my favorite shoots to date was with Hopson Rae. Maybe it's because she and her team have such a good grasp of their own branding, maybe it was the clean, bright, and pink vibes. I'm not sure, but I know I loved capturing this brand shoot for this amazing business, Hopson Rae.
Aurrie and I decided to rent out Studio 2031 for this shoot. One of my favorite studios to shoot in. It's bright, lots of white space, and great for brands like Aurrie's.
We made sure to get headshots and team shots of Aurrie and her social media manager, Rebecca. We wanted a collaborative look, shots for her website, social media, and marketing materials.
Take a look at what we did:
#branddesigner #brandingphotoshoot #graphicdesigner #audreycreative #brandphotographer #brandingphotographer